Friday, June 1, 2007

Math mania

This happened when I was doing my 6th standard.Till then I used to score decent marks (Above 80) in all exams। Once during the half yearly exam, I was admitted in hospital as I met with an accident and wasn't able to attend most of the classes n I flunked the exam very badly। Then started the phobia for maths. My marks started to decline and went into the sixties and seventies. I was forced to work out maths in a more vigorous manner, but no luck. Then I changed my school during my 9th standard. I thought I'll get back to my old form of scoring marks in math. But things became even worse. The first test was a failure for me. The coaching was nonsense and the teacher was utter nonsense and the school sucked worse than all of them. I thought I ruined my career and there's no way out. Failures continued. And it was my tenth exam. My mom realised it was never too late and started coaching me up with some help from my dad too. Nevertheless, I didn't hang up my boots and got a WHOOPING 87 tat time. I gained some confidence then.
But then I got into eleventh and the ghost of mathematics hung on my shoulders once again and refused to leave me. Flunked all the exams in maths in eleventh, except the final exam (don't ask me how i passed.. Even now, I'm puzzled about it) and twelfth was even worse... gettin zeros and single digit marks. Everybody was unhappy and most of them ridiculed me including my parents. I was really helpless and started working day n night before my twelfth exam. I finally wrote the exam quite decently and fared with 60 marks.I took up electrical engineering and was quite happy the way things unfolded. but the subject haunted me even then. Almost flopped in maths for the first 4 semesters, getting 36 in each of them. N now, there's no math mania for atleast two more years. dunno how it'll be from 2007, when i take up my MS or doing a job.

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