And yeah... the room was great. but was biting cold. we didn't get hot water for most of the time except an hour or two in the mornings. so there was a rush to occupy the bathroom and start off as soon as possible. And we had to eat near our hotel. food was jus ok n we had to manage with that. though we went to lotsa places in n around ooty, there was nothin as funny like stayin in our room, n with Naresh at the scene, there's no discount for fun. we never had peace in our bathroom. Others bang the door os swithoff the light frm outside. and the latenight booze with guys was awesome... we stayed at ooty for two days n was really superb. we then had to leave for mysore. it was a shitty ride, no place for us n had to manage like we do in our city busses. we reached mysore after a 10 hour journey. PHEW!!!!! we had to get into the hotel at mysore by 8 n we did n all i knew was me laying flat on our bed. We managed to watch some epl matches n DAMAL DAMAL. we started to bangalore the next day morning.. though we gotup late, everybody else were already ready. We hurried up and boarded the train at 6.30 a.m.. we reached Bangalore at around 9.30 and kept our bags at hotel room and setoff for the ISKCON temple. Such an amazing place, I recommend a sure visit there. n roamed around to a meuseum and raeched our hotel at evening.. It was a day I watched man.u vs arsenal after a three year gap. n with beer in our hands, can't ask for anything more.. n to our ease, we had a reastaurant below or hotel, where the foor was great at very cheap rates. we left the nextday at night to chennai n reached the next day morning.. Was a memorable one in my lifetime. hope we have more of such trips in the next year!!
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