Thursday, June 7, 2007
Testing times
I always wanted a license for riding bikes and it was time to approach a driving school for getting it... And that's the procedure. I got the learner's license in no time n I was asked to come a month later. The driving school fella looked like a cross between a mongrel and a pig n his name was Sundaram(dunno how ppl name so). Anyway, he asked me to come for a test at the RTO office. And went there at the time he told and that was to make me to wait for another 3 hours. Watever happens, that bloody Sundaram(we'll call him mopi from now) wants everybody to be sittin in those broken benches outside the offices at 9.a.m. though the test starts only at 12.noon. After a wait, the inspector came at 12.30 in the noon(U can't blame it.. that's how it is in government offices) and soon It was my turn to put an 8 with my vehicle between the stones placed on the roads. If the fella who introduced this exam comes before me, I'll abuse him with all the bad words I know. And his F***** mopi didn't even gimme his kinetic honda for a practice. And when I sat on it for the test, the scooter hardly budged. with great difficulty, I finished the first part of the 8. When i tried for the second curve, the honda stopped n I had to put down my legs, n that's it. Disqualified!!! Mopi could have asked me to leave for my home. but rather asked me to get back to the bench and wait there. and I had to wait for another two hours or so. And out came mopi n never even bothered to tell me that I had failed. I asked him abt the result n she said "Nee fail pa... adutha vaaram vaa"(you have failed... come next week..) So i had to leave home in a crowded bus. didn't go to the driving school for some 4 months cos of exams n college. after the semesters, I went to the driving school. mopi looked at me as if some alien has come there. I had to tell him my name as he recognized me at once.. And I was asked to come for a re-test the next day. I went there in my bike around 10.a.m knowing wat'll happen if i raech there at 9.a.m. the test started around 11.a.m. I was the third person to undertake the test. though I had been practicing since morning. The momentI was asked to start the test, I took a huge curve thinking that it'll make things simpler for making the second curve of the 8 easier. But asusual, I ended fucking this time too, as the bike stopped abruptly in the course. I tried to convince mopi to arrange for the license somehow. and I also was asked to pay some 50 bucks for some flag day. As he asked me to wait, I was almost sure of getting the license this time around. I waited for some 2 hours again as some driving tests for cars were going on. I saw mopi entering the office with the inspector, which made somewhat confident. He started calling out the names for taking photographs for license, n alas! he did'nt call out any shriram. I was hugely dissappointed as even some gals made a mockery of the test driving easily with their scooty. I went up n asked mopi wat the problem was. Out came mopi with a reply. "romba try pannen pa.. mudiyalla.. naalaikku va.. eppadiyaavathu unakki license vangi thanduren"(I tried asking the inspector, but in vain. come tomorrow, I'll get u the license surely). At the other end, my dad was shouting at me that I wasn't even fit for getting a license done. I went the next d ay again to the rto office thinking that I'll get one surely by today. Mopi came there after some half an hour after I reached the RTO. He got in giving a sile at me. After some 20 minutes, he came out telling that I wasn't allowed for a test today and asked me to come after a week.. I was almost furious at him now. I just left the place informing my dad about wat happened. So both me and my dad went at evening and asked wat was wrong. He said that today wasn't ' his slot n he almost promised us to get it the next week. So, I had to go there to the RTo the next week.. (Keep a count on the no. of visits to RTO). this time, I made it with my dad. And soon, It was the time for the test. And I happened to finish the test succesfully this time around. My happiness knew no bounds. Mopi called out my name n I was the first person of the day to take the photograph. And soon I had a license in my hands. And after all the things happened, I should also be thankful to mopi!!!
Friday, June 1, 2007
My first bunk
I didn’t sleep the previous night. The plan of the first mass bunk was loomin around in front of ma eyes... The next day morning I woke up earlier than the normal 6.30 yawn for the 7.15 bus!!! Was ready at 7’o clock itself... Thot of wearing jeans that day.. But let off the idea as it would create suspicion amidst my parents... The bus too roared off the road makin me feel that ‘it’s my day’. Went to the class, nobody was there... waited for some 10 minutes... soon people began to gather... went outta the college campus... the college was liberal when it comes to all these... Reached the college parkin lot and got onto a pulsar of my friend. We didn’t even plan where to go, but our intentions were clear... We’re goin to give a fuck to the classroom!! After a long chat, we decided to watch ‘sukran’ at udayam theatre, as it was very close to our college. We started the bikes... it was a great sight to watch some 12 bikes zoomin with the noise vroooooooommmmm..We reached the theatre in no time... got the tickets too for the noon show(who’ll be there to watch such a lousy film!). we wasted no time and got into the theatre... I gasped... I knew I’ve bunked... Nobody can stop us now... Film started with a similar lousy start!! Some songs went... so as some scenes... I didn’t like the movie, though... Thought for a moment that my fluid mechanics classes would be better than the movie... I planned to get out by 4, so that I can reach home... so jus got on to the nearby bus stop and took a bus straight to my home. I never uttered a word to my mom. But she asked me if I didn't go to college. I was surprised. She then told me that our class teacher had called her and why I left home. I didn't know wat to answer. Then I came to know that all my friends have received calls from college. The next day we were called up by the hod and got some advice...
The truth of engineering
Half of wat u read is SHIT!!!
Half of the shit u read, u don understand!!!
Half of wat u understood, u don remember!!!
Half of wat u remember, won’ be asked!!!
Half of the shit u read, u don understand!!!
Half of wat u understood, u don remember!!!
Half of wat u remember, won’ be asked!!!
My kinda music
forget the booming woofers... forget the F*** word. Forget the chains, the niggas, the NY caps turned to the sides. Forget the bermudas, the basketball tees, babes in lingerie.. these suck bigtime...heard that??? yup.. hiphop jus sucks.. In the recent times, I jus don't listen to them. for one good reason; music's spoilt.. wen i was sittin in my friend's car, n that's where i heard the bohemian rhapsody... twitching tune... wondered if people could play music this better.. I came to know the song by queen through wikipedia. that's when classic rock really fascinated me. wen i searched for the classic rock bands, listening to some songs of the era, i was jus amazed to see the music that was produced in the 60's and 70's. jus jaw dropping ones..Especially the pitch of robert plant( the Led zeppelin fans know him) in the communication breakdown... Whoa.. I jus don't have words to say.. And the rolling stones kept rolling in my thoughts day after day and ofcourse, my favourite, ABBA... and its been a longtime i heard a 50cent or an eminem number... Trust me.. my 5.1 hometheatre play jus eagles n beatles... to keep me Stayin alive, the BEEGEES way ;)
The great grand tour (II)

And yeah... the room was great. but was biting cold. we didn't get hot water for most of the time except an hour or two in the mornings. so there was a rush to occupy the bathroom and start off as soon as possible. And we had to eat near our hotel. food was jus ok n we had to manage with that. though we went to lotsa places in n around ooty, there was nothin as funny like stayin in our room, n with Naresh at the scene, there's no discount for fun. we never had peace in our bathroom. Others bang the door os swithoff the light frm outside. and the latenight booze with guys was awesome... we stayed at ooty for two days n was really superb. we then had to leave for mysore. it was a shitty ride, no place for us n had to manage like we do in our city busses. we reached mysore after a 10 hour journey. PHEW!!!!! we had to get into the hotel at mysore by 8 n we did n all i knew was me laying flat on our bed. We managed to watch some epl matches n DAMAL DAMAL. we started to bangalore the next day morning.. though we gotup late, everybody else were already ready. We hurried up and boarded the train at 6.30 a.m.. we reached Bangalore at around 9.30 and kept our bags at hotel room and setoff for the ISKCON temple. Such an amazing place, I recommend a sure visit there. n roamed around to a meuseum and raeched our hotel at evening.. It was a day I watched man.u vs arsenal after a three year gap. n with beer in our hands, can't ask for anything more.. n to our ease, we had a reastaurant below or hotel, where the foor was great at very cheap rates. we left the nextday at night to chennai n reached the next day morning.. Was a memorable one in my lifetime. hope we have more of such trips in the next year!!
The great grand tour (I)

hmmm... Ya... eeeeks...oh k oh k....ok.. i've got a topic certainly for the time being... n yeah...wat else.. it's our tour only... the great grand tour of 3rd year EEE...And I've been waitin for this day since two weeks... that perfect night, everything clicked.The unpredictable mtc bus came the moment i stepped onto the bus stop, Astonishingly, just 10 of them seated inside the bus. reached central in no time. There the ppl were waiting, gave me a a warm welcome, shouting the name I'm known as "Gilfaaans". then walked towards the train with my fellas.. N ya.. we move together always.. got into the train.. n it was fun.. I need to tell ya.. It was 10.30 and it was then my friend Preetha called me up and gave me some "Goody Goody" advices... We all sat in the not so our places(though it was meant for our class guys).. went around n saw what other guys were upto.. the train started n we were still havin fun, teasin each other... our next cubicle was not occupied by our class mates.. so naanga adakki vaasikka vendiyatha poiduchu.. But we never lost the groove. It was me who was singing "Sivaraathiri.. thookam yedhu.... Hoooiiiii", middle of the night when everyone woke up ;) meanwhile few others were involved in pranks like shouting in the ears of our ssd sir(he's a 200% nerd n u can say that the moment u look at him) and running away... and man, u must see his face at that time... yikes.... and we arrived coimbatore the next day morning at 7. there were two vans waiting for us to take us to ooty... and we got into one of them, and as usual, we six of us took the last seat (pazhakka dhosam).. the van zoomed and guess it was jus half an hour,one of the tyres blew up... and without any other job, we got down n we were hungry like lions( didn't find an apt comparison... lol).. that's when nirmal took us to a place where idlis and dosas were so cheap and tha sambar was so tasty that we almost put our heads into the bucket of sambhar.. the tyres were back after half an hour and started the journey and reached the foothills of ooty... and i must say it was like heaven... the twiny roads twitching through 38 hairpin bends along the hills.. and after a 7 hour journey we enterted the hotel. It was a good hotel though, n we got a good room where all six of us accomodated ourselves...pls wait till I continue with the next blog...
Practical practicals :(
Have u ever ended up fucking up your semester practical exam? This question may sound odd. But I was in a situation where I couldn't help myself. It was my microprocessor lab exam and as usual out of the 20 programs, I knew 6, had bits for 8 and didn't care about the remaining 6. though my slot was in the afternoon, n wen I heard that most of them ended up screwing up their exams in the first slot, my tension mounted. I thought of atleast giving a glance at the 6 programs which I didn't even know. But ended up studying the known 6 questions. Soon, I was infront of the lab and my hands were biting cold. As I moved towards the pile of questionpaers stacked like a staircase, I didn't know which one to pick. I digged up n took one hoping that I've taken the most easiest ones n the ones that i knew. The moment I overturned the paper, alas!!!! both of them were from those six... yup!! u r right.. the ones which I didn't know... didn't know wat to do.. all my friends were sure of somethin wrong with me.. I managed to write the aim somehow( I knew only that). next was the program and i didn't know where to start n how to start. Later, it was my micro processor mam, who saw my face n knew I'll endup doing something fishy. She made me to sit beside her.. One hour was over n all my friends started doing the practicals while I was sitting with an almost empty paper. The clock struck one and the teacher went down for her lunch. I was desperate that moment. Only the lab incharge was present. Quickly, I grabbed a record that was on her table. I spread it open and turned the pages to find my program. A big one though, I managed to copy both if them from the record n within minutes, 3 pages were full and there was the attestation. And yeah, i almost forgot to close the record and keep it back in its position. I sat infront of the kit and my fingers were all over the keypad... managed to finish both the programs in half an hour.. The teacher was almost baffled to see the output glowing infront of her eyes. She signed them with a crooked smile.. And I almost gotup from the jaws of doom that exam...Moral of the story:Always take the first paper infront of u while choosing the questions in a practical exam :p
Math mania
This happened when I was doing my 6th standard.Till then I used to score decent marks (Above 80) in all exams। Once during the half yearly exam, I was admitted in hospital as I met with an accident and wasn't able to attend most of the classes n I flunked the exam very badly। Then started the phobia for maths. My marks started to decline and went into the sixties and seventies. I was forced to work out maths in a more vigorous manner, but no luck. Then I changed my school during my 9th standard. I thought I'll get back to my old form of scoring marks in math. But things became even worse. The first test was a failure for me. The coaching was nonsense and the teacher was utter nonsense and the school sucked worse than all of them. I thought I ruined my career and there's no way out. Failures continued. And it was my tenth exam. My mom realised it was never too late and started coaching me up with some help from my dad too. Nevertheless, I didn't hang up my boots and got a WHOOPING 87 tat time. I gained some confidence then.
But then I got into eleventh and the ghost of mathematics hung on my shoulders once again and refused to leave me. Flunked all the exams in maths in eleventh, except the final exam (don't ask me how i passed.. Even now, I'm puzzled about it) and twelfth was even worse... gettin zeros and single digit marks. Everybody was unhappy and most of them ridiculed me including my parents. I was really helpless and started working day n night before my twelfth exam. I finally wrote the exam quite decently and fared with 60 marks.I took up electrical engineering and was quite happy the way things unfolded. but the subject haunted me even then. Almost flopped in maths for the first 4 semesters, getting 36 in each of them. N now, there's no math mania for atleast two more years. dunno how it'll be from 2007, when i take up my MS or doing a job.
But then I got into eleventh and the ghost of mathematics hung on my shoulders once again and refused to leave me. Flunked all the exams in maths in eleventh, except the final exam (don't ask me how i passed.. Even now, I'm puzzled about it) and twelfth was even worse... gettin zeros and single digit marks. Everybody was unhappy and most of them ridiculed me including my parents. I was really helpless and started working day n night before my twelfth exam. I finally wrote the exam quite decently and fared with 60 marks.I took up electrical engineering and was quite happy the way things unfolded. but the subject haunted me even then. Almost flopped in maths for the first 4 semesters, getting 36 in each of them. N now, there's no math mania for atleast two more years. dunno how it'll be from 2007, when i take up my MS or doing a job.
Hour glass over a sour glass

It was during our 3rd year tour that I got into this opportunity to drink a beer. most of the guys in my class have more than a glass of beer. but I refrained from them. We had umpteen number of visits to pondicherry. But It was jus a normal trip for me. Though teachers used to accompany us, The guys get to the last row of the bus and start the pooja. I used to watch them in delirium, the way they talk n dance. We had a nice time in kindling up their spirits and the amount if fun was out of bound. All these happened months before the tour. We six of us stayed in Bangalore for two days. That's where people got into the real party mode. Almost 12 of us were in the room with bottles of beer and whiskey. I was the lone figure to sit there and watch them having fun. The beer fest was almost over and most of them went back to their respective rooms all sloshed up. Jus 3 of us were left in our room. Myself, deepak n nilesh. They were brooding over the two beer bottles that were left unopened. That's when nilesh asked me if I can have a glass for myself. I don't know how I gave a nod, and there was a glass of beer infront of me. The t.v was on and it was a match of much awaited response from al of us, Man.utd vs Arsenal. I kept the glass onto my mouth and let my tongue to feel the cold beer. Was very sour the first time. But loved the fizz. And I sipped some of it. Was like some weird stuff passing through my throat. Though I loved it, within fifteen minutes, the glass was empty. Then i stopped with another half glass of beer. And then these words came out my mouth "Now, That's more like it"...
Too Blatant for a reply..

I went with my friend to an internet parlour. Usually I accompany him whenever he goes out there. This time, it was just to waste some twenty bucks and we didn't really know wat to do after 15 minutes of logging in. We then entered into a heated discussion of the following topic "Do my college girls look better or yours?"Some of u might think if this one was really necessary. But we had to do something for the next 45 minutes. We landed up logging into eachother's orkut profiles and dived into our college communities to look out for some girls with their photos in their album. After some 20 to 30 profile visits in each of our college communities, we didn't come to any conclusion. my friend said It's a waste of time arguing and he wanted to get into talking terms with one of my college girls, who looked pretty according to him. To his fortunes, she was online too. Here's the conversation that went between them
My friend: Hi.. This is ******* doing BE. in Sri Venkateswara college of engineering.
The girl: So what???(Fuse blownoff for my friend)
My friend: Wat do u do??
The girl: Sorry... None of your business.
My friend: (Total collapse)You seem too arrogant. U think u r too beautiful uh?
After that the reply never came...
And when he turned towards his left, I was down on the floor laughing my ass off!!!!
The girl: So what???(Fuse blownoff for my friend)
My friend: Wat do u do??
The girl: Sorry... None of your business.
My friend: (Total collapse)You seem too arrogant. U think u r too beautiful uh?
After that the reply never came...
And when he turned towards his left, I was down on the floor laughing my ass off!!!!
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