Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ultimate biceps

Well. It has been one of my greatest ambitions off late, to develop a fully loaded biceps. But i knew, it was hard, looking at myself in front of a mirror. Phew!! i knew it was quite hard, but not impossible. I had this fetish for good biceps, since the star rock days. I've seen people flaunting their muscles with short sleeve tees and shaking them deliberately to catch the attention of the chicks who come there to pass time. i may not have that intention in my mind, but i had to grow up some muscles as my arms were so slender.

I asked my parents if I could work out at a gym. But they were not going to agree to that any day. I decided to do something of my own to get my biceps fit and this is what i did:

Fill a small bucket with water to half of it's volume. This is for novice who are desperate to develop some muscles.

Hold your arms in such a way that you get a right angle at your elbow. the position must be similar to the one u have for riding a bike or a scooter.

then what?? take the bucket and start doing your own bicep curls ;)
and flaunt your muscles with your sleeve-less tees within month of exercise.


AG said...

u need to have PASSION and not the RESOURCES to be successful

Keep Blogging

Gagan said...

hmmm interesting !!!

saw this style in a jacky chan movie !! I think "the fighter"

Venkat said...

yeah interesting post!! go on....

Jil Jil Ramamani said...

Biceps = Lumps.

The Solitary Writer said...

hey nice idea though
btw do u have a bicep like that in the picture of that post

T.h.E. b.L.e.S.s.E.d. O.n.E said...

@ ^^^

not even in my drmz.